Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Visa E-1 para comerciantes bajo tratado (import-export)

La E-1 permite a los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ­ses obtener una visa de trabajo para desarrollar o dirigir en Estados Unidos un negocio de comercio (import/export). La primera condicià ³n de la visa es pertenecer a uno de los paà ­ses con los que USA tiene un acuerdo de ese tipo. Listado de pases cuyos ciudadanos o compaas pueden solicitar una visa E-1 Hay que ser de un paà ­s con el que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo de comercio que permite privilegios migratorios. Son los siguientes: AlemaniaArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBà ©lgicaBoliviaBosnia-HerzegovinaBruneiCanadà ¡ChileColombiaCorea del SurCosta RicaCroaciaDinamarcaEsloveniaEspaà ±aEstoniaEtiopà ­a  FilipinasFinlandiaFranciaGreciaHolandaHondurasIrà ¡nIrlandaIsraelItaliaJapà ³nJordaniaKosovoLetoniaLiberiaLuxemburgoMacedoniaMà ©xicoMontenegroNoruegaOmà ¡nPakistà ¡nParaguayPoloniaReino UnidoSerbiaSingapurSurinamSueciaSuizaTailandiaTaiwà ¡nTogoTurquà ­aYugoslavia Otros requisitos de la visa E-1 La persona o la empresa que solicita la visa tiene que tener ya un importante intercambio comercial con Estados Unidos. No sà ³lo tiene que tratarse de bienes, sino que tambià ©n pueden ser servicios. Ademà ¡s, USA debe ser la fuente o destino de mà ¡s del 50 por ciento del total de intercambio comercial que tiene el solicitante de la visa. La relacià ³n comercial de importacià ³n/exportacià ³n debe tener un valor econà ³mico sustancial. Las leyes de inmigracià ³n no dicen exactamente cuà ¡nto, pero sà ­ que debe ser relevante. El solicitante de la visa debe tener experiencia y conocimientos de negocio suficientes para desarrollar y dirigir el negocio. Por à ºltimo, esta es una visa no inmigrante, esto quiere decir que la persona a la que se le aprueba al visa tiene que salir de Estados Unidos una vez que su visa se cancele o no se renueve. Para quines estn pensadas estas visas Para ejecutivos y gerentes de empresas. Generalmente la visa es aprobada en 4-6 semanas.  A diferencia de lo que ocurre con la visa L-1 en el caso de la E-1 no es necesario demostrar haber trabajado con la empresa por dos aà ±os antes de aplicar por el visado.   Para trabajadores esenciales o especialistas. Si bien en estos casos es mà ¡s difà ­cil obtener la aprobacià ³n.   Pero si se consigue los trà ¡mites son muy rà ¡pidos: un par de semanas en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Visas para familiares de personas con una visa E-1 El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os pueden solicitar una visa derivada. Pueden estudiar en Estados Unidos y solicitar un permiso de trabajo enviando el formulario I-765 al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y pagando la cuota correspondiente. Para las personas interesadas en traer a sus hijos con ellos a vivir en Estados Unidos es de interà ©s familiarizarse con los puntos bà ¡sicos del sistema educativo, antes de haber llegado ya al paà ­s y tener que escolarizar a los nià ±os. Ademà ¡s, se podrà ­a solicitar la visa B para los empleados domà ©sticos del titular de una E-1. Vigencia de la visa Indefinidamente mientras se pruebe el nivel sustancial de la relacià ³n comercial entre Estados Unidos y el paà ­s del solicitante de la visa. En principio se otorga por dos aà ±os, que se puede extender en incrementos de otros dos aà ±os. Pero se puede renovar tantas veces como se necesite. Por regla general cuando el titular de la visa E-1 viaja fuera de Estados Unidos y se vuelve a ingresar se otorga automà ¡ticamente esa extensià ³n. Pero esto no sucede con su familia que tiene visado derivado y debe pedir la extensià ³n antes de que su visa actual expire. Esto es muy importante para evitar quedarse en una situacià ³n de ilegalidad migratoria. Forma jurdica para la empresa y dnde crearla Existen 10 tipos de empresa que se pueden crear. Se puede elegir la mà ¡s conveniente. Asimismo, a la hora de crear un negocio conviene tener en cuenta asuntos como el monto de los impuestos locales y estatales y tambià ©n el nivel de vida, es decir, cuà ¡nto es el costo de la vivienda, alimentacià ³n, seguro mà ©dico, transporte, etc. No todos los estados brindan las mismas condiciones para hacer negocios siendo estos los considerados como mà ¡s pro-business. En Estados Unidos hay grandes diferencias geogrà ¡ficas y las condiciones de vida pueden ser radicalmente distintas en un lugar o en otro, como demuestra este listado de las 10 ciudades mà ¡s caras y de las 10 ciudades mà ¡s baratas.  Por lo tanto antes de elegir dà ³nde crear la empresa, es de obligacià ³n asesorarse.   Otras opciones cuando la E-1 no es posible o conveniente La visa E-2 para inversià ³n incluye algunos paà ­ses no presentes en el listado de la E-1. Es una visa parecida, pero diferente. Una de las cosas que hay que tener muy claras respecto a la E-2 es cà ³mo entender la cantidad a invertir. Si ni la E-1 ni la E-2 son opciones, estas  8 posibles visas para fundar una empresa en USA (startup). Ademà ¡s, hay mà ¡s de 20 paà ­ses que permiten obtener la ciudadanà ­a y/o la residencia a cambio de una inversià ³n. Las condiciones y los precios varà ­an.   Por à ºltimo, si se tiene un mà ­nimo de medio millà ³n de dà ³lares para invertir, la visa de inmigrante EB-5 es una opcià ³n. Se obtiene una green card (tarjeta de residencia) para el inversionista y su familia. Y si se decide asentarse en los Estados Unidos ya sea temporalmente con una visa o definitivamente con una green card es muy importante conocer desde el principio temas legales, migratorios y sociales que van a hacer la vida mà ¡s fà ¡cil.    Curiosidad Los hispanos somos en la actualidad el grupo minoritario mà ¡s numeroso en los Estados Unidos.   Estas son las 10 nacionalidades de hispanos mà ¡s exitosas en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Need for Regulation of Amphetamine Consumption of...

At the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, suppose an athlete had been found using steroids or other performance enhancing drugs to ensure a better outcome in competition. Their awards would be stripped away, and their name sullied for the world to see. Halfway across the world, in a tiny dormitory room of a prestigious college, an overwhelmed and under pressure freshman student turns to drugs as well. The drugs are not methamphetamines or cocaine, but a tiny pill obtained from a helpful friend with ADHD. With an unfinished paper due in the morning, the student ingests the Adderall pill and their energy and focus increases. In the morning, the triumphant student shows up to class and turns in a completed essay. The paper is returned with an â€Å"A†.†¦show more content†¦Talbot 3). Perfectly healthy individuals are turning to these so-called â€Å"neuroenhancers† (Talbot 3) or â€Å"smart pills† (qtd. Cheshire 264) to improve their mental abilities. According to research led by Sean Esteban McCabe, a professor at the University of Michigan’s Substance Abuse Research Center, the individuals most likely to take neuroenhancers in college were â€Å"white male undergraduates at highly competitive schools—especially in the Northeast† (Talbot 3). The appeal of these drugs seems to lie in the fact that they target â€Å"subjective symptoms† (Cheshire 264) in healthy people instead of a disease. Neuroenhancers are looked to as a way to quickly improve a person’s mental capabilities in order to perform better at tasks in a limited amount of time. Another reason for the increasing rise in the use of neuroenhancers is that these drugs are readily available. Often classmates have seen their peers with ADHD take these pills. In college, it is an easy matter of borrowing some from a friend with ADHD who has a ready supply through a prescription or they buy them from a supplier (Talbot 3). One student closely observed the symptoms of his brother who had been diagnosed with ADHD. Upon describing these same symptoms to his doctor, the healthy student received a prescription for Adderall (Talbot 2). Drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin are amphetamines which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Show MoreRelatedRegulation of Adderall: An Addictive Smart Drug1975 Words   |  8 Pagessaid â€Å"Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.† Immersed under this pressure of winning, students, today, are trying every substance that claims to make them smarter and gives them a competitive edge over others, whether it is the newfangled â€Å"smart water† or the highly promising â€Å"smart drugs†. Adderall, fondly known, as Addy on college campuses, is the most popular smart drug that college students are using nowadays. It is an addictive drug that is exclusively used for treating Attention deficitRead MoreEssay about Mental Health Drugs1568 Words   |  7 Pagesdecade of the 21st century progresses, the population approaches seven billion. With so many people, how are people supposed to stand out in job applications, or catch the administrators’ eye as he or she reads applications to highly prestigious colleges and universities? More and more people are asking this question, and more and more people are finding help in a small pill. Originally diagnosed for Alzheimer’s disease and ADHD, these drugs are increasingly used off label in universities and workplacesRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1713 Words   |  7 Pagesstudy could see a marked improvement in the children given Focalin XR over the ones given placebo. Dexmethylphenidate’s plasma protein binding is unknown but is assumed to be similar to the racemic methylphenidate, which is 12-15%. After oral consumption of Focalin XR, dexmethylphenidate plasma concentrations decline monophasically. The mean absolute bioavailability of dexmethylphenidate is 22-25% due to first-pass metabolism. Safety Concerns to Address Focalin XR is in general, a safe drug toRead MoreThe Is A Complex Machine That Can Be Disturbed By Many Stimulants1844 Words   |  8 Pagessold as a pill, white crystalized powder or in chunk form which is bitter tasting and odourless. Intravenous injection is the most common route of administration, however, it can also be administered through an intranasal route, inhalation or oral consumption. According to the United Nations, more people are addicted to meth than to heroin and cocaine combined because it is cheaper and the high lasts much longer (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014). Summary Meth has been appearing more frequentlyRead MoreThe Is A Complex Machine That Can Be Disturbed By Many Stimulants1791 Words   |  8 Pagessold as a pill, white crystalized powder or in chunk form which is bitter tasting and odourless. Intravenous injection is the most common route of administration, however, it can also be administered through an intranasal route, inhalation or oral consumption. According to the United Nations, more people are addicted to meth than to heroin and cocaine combined because it is cheaper and the high lasts much longer (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014). Summary Meth has been appearing more frequentlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Amici Curiae Brief : A Petition Court2061 Words   |  9 PagesState Technical College will begin a drug screening program in the fall semester of 2011 for students who are newly classified as a degree or certificate seeking and degree or certificate seeing students returning after one or more semesters of non-enrollment at the Linn State Technical College campus or any Linn State Technical College location.† It is indicated that the drug testing policy serves the purpose of providing a safe, healthy and productive environment for all students and faculty membersRead MoreThe Drug Culture3816 Words   |  15 Pagesresulted in more urbanization in America, a repeal of Prohibition, and increased contact with the outside world. It was during this three-decade period that other drugs became popular in the recreational scenario: amphetamines, cocaine, heroin and marijuana. In fact, during World War II, amphetamines were regularly distributed both to soldiers and factory workers (many of whom were women) to enhance mood and endurance. . After the war, Cocaine was imported into the United States from South America even thoughRead MoreDrinking Alcoholic Beverages - Paper3311 Words   |  14 Pageslegally consumed in most countries, and over 100 countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption.[1] In particular, such laws specify the minimum age at which a person may legally buy or drink them. This minimum age varies between 16 and 25 years, depending upon the country and the type of drink. Most nations set it at 18 years of age.[1] The production and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states.[2][3] AlcoholicRead MoreEssay about Substance Abuse and Effects On The Human Brain2438 Words   |  10 Pagesphysiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body† (Merriam Webster Dictionary). By this definition alone, even food can be categorized as a â€Å"drug†. For this paper I will review the main subtances of which are illegal, or under regulation by the government. Abuse as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary is; â€Å"use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.† Therefore, substance abuse is basically using drugs improperly with an intent to attain an effect of some sort; misusingRead MoreHousing Coordinator3909 Words   |  16 PagesHOUSING REGULATIONS The following policies are very important to the college and we want to place special emphasis on them. Read over the policies carefully so that you will be fully aware of our policies and your responsibilities. Connors State College reserves the right to change these policies or any portion thereof at any time without prior notice. 1. Air Vent Blockage The air vents located above and/or in the room door in the air conditioned buildings are designed for airflow from

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Reflection Journal †Identity Free Essays

reReflective Practice Journal Identity GNED 500 – 120 Brandon Tito – 300637791 Professor Selom Chapman-Nyaho Identity â€Å"The aspects of individuals and groups that include: language; ethnicity; gender; experience of migration/immigration; social class; political affiliations; family influences; age; sexual orientation; geographic origin; experience or absence of experience with discrimination† (GNED 500, p. 73). Our identity is the key that grants us a representation of who we are as citizens and what we stand for. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection Journal – Identity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Personal identification is what separates and differentiates us apart from other individuals in our world. Identity is strongly significant in our lives because the development of personal attributes and contributions is what makes us unique and superior in our own way. Our perspectives and points on how we view the world are also based on our personal identities and how we establish that image. A. How did it affect your thinking? While acquiring an adequate understanding about personal identities, it is important to build and create a â€Å"personal brand† for one’s self in which can be recognized and looked upon by others in a positive manner. B. Has it changed your perspective on a particular issue? How? Yes, having a clear understanding of our personal identities has changed my perspective on a particular issue. As emphasized on a familiar quote, â€Å"become a leader, not a follower†, this quote indicates a great representation of personal identities as well as personal branding. An individual should be superior to their own brand as well as justifying and claiming ownership of their identity and not mirroring a representation of someone else’s identity and brand. C. Has it raised any new questions? Most definitely, the term â€Å"identity† has had many questions raised in previous times. Many of these questions were raised from many different perspectives such as political, scientific, genetic, academic, religious, and symbolic structures. All of which are social structures in our society. D. Will anything you learned change your actions? If so, how? Of course, with the knowledge acquired about the many different social structures and ideologies in our society, I am more observant and aware of misinterpretations that are presented in our society. It’s important to understand that social structures, ideologies, and the environment we surround ourselves in play a substantial role in shaping our personal identities and brands. Course Feedback Overall, my duration in partaking in the GNED-500 course has been a great academic experience for me. It’s a great opportunity to have a better understanding of the social structures and issues/concerns that shape our society today. With also being given the opportunity to establish a more superior personal brand towards myself†¦ Knowledge and understanding is power! I recommend this course to everybody, this is a great decision to enhance your personal knowledge on current and previous events that help build and sustain our society. How to cite Reflection Journal – Identity, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Social Behavior (1180 words) Essay Example For Students

Social Behavior (1180 words) Essay Social BehaviorSocial BehaviorAccording to Eisenberg and Mussen (1989) prosocial behavior is defined as the voluntary actions which are intended in benefitting or helping another person or a group of individuals (3). The definition describes the doers action consequences instead of the motivations behind the specific actions. The behavior entails a wide sort of activities; comforting, sharing, helping, and rescuing. Even though prosocial behavior is usually befuddled with altruism, actually these are two concepts which are distinct (Vollhardt, 2009). The Prosocial behavior is an activity pattern whilst altruism is the motivation of helping others attributed to pure regard of their requirements instead of how the action shall benefit a person. The information sources that are used in this case are psycinfo, sociofile and jastor publications, this information avail information, and the authors have conducted research backed up with sufficient finding and evidence. Historic backgroundsThere exists evidence which shows that voluntary actions, which benefit other individuals, are rooted in the human behavior. Edward Wilson in the year 1970 a biologist started a sociobiology branch for studying social behaviours of humans and animals as motivated by the biology of the organism. Wilson (1975) applied documented illustration of helping within many insects and animal species. Since publishing his innovative books, a majority of articles and books have been published stating that assisting and rescuing deeds are instinctive. The developmental psychologists, as well as other social scientist refers to animal society as an indication, the prosocial behavior is usually preprogrammed humanity biological function instead of solely learned or nurtured. Actions Illustrations of humans taking a part in assisting behaviors are found in the recorded and early history and prehistory. Native people in North America had strong collective customs with the survival for the groups depending on helping and other giving practices. The phrase prosocial deeds have been applied since the year 1900. Social scientists started using the phrase as an antisocial behavior antonym. A research body evolved in illuminating the psychology of sharing, giving, and helping. The social psychology field came out as a subject during the early 1900, and primarily focused on important concerns of the time, the Nazism rise, world wars, nuclear arms proliferation, racism and Holocaust. Nonetheless, in the year 1960, the importance of helping behaviors, as well as the psychological motives turned to be of great interests (Bentley, Richard and Luana, 1996). Prosocial behavior understanding was recognized as part of the group and harmonious interpersonal relations. Subsequent prosocial behavior research has proved to be fruitful. For a detailed illustration of the numerous dispositional and situational factors which affects a person decision of sharing, giving and helping . For different perceptions leading to Prosocial actions and an insight at an increasing research field on prosocial behaviors in kids (Mussen and Esiseberg, 18989). A significant model is the five step process of making decisions of assisting behavior that was developed in the year 197-0 by Darley and Latane. The concept of prosocial behavior, as well as its psychological foundations are to a greater extent significant in furthering the practice and research in various filed, and this include, social work, education, criminal law and justice. For the role of this essay, the concept is also fundament to understanding group philanthropy and individual philanthropy. It is the theoretical apprehension which is required in drawing practical implication, which aids in the altruistic sector health. Theoretical ApprehensionPhilanthropy is comparable to the prosocial behavior through its explanation and in that wide-ranging motivations greatly influence the philanthropic actions. Philanthropy refers to deliberate exploit for the benefit and entails voluntary serving, giving, as well as association. Aristotle notes that a person can define a thing through explaining the core reasons behind its existence (Wilson, et al., 2009). In simple terms, philanthropy usually exists due to people of a specific disposition under a set of conditions which are included in assisting others, in enacting the prosocial behavior. Due to the verity that the psychology of the prosocial behavior usually indicates on the conditions are, and how the inclinations usually play out, and this to a greater extent explains the reasons for existences of philanthropy (Bentley and Nissan 1996). .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .postImageUrl , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:hover , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:visited , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:active { border:0!important; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:active , .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u87ec937861fa1624ff9be1338a6defcc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: If You Are Writing An Essay About Theodore RooseveltFurthermore, both the philanthropic acts and prosocial behavior are driven through a blend of self interested and altruistic. Self interests usually come in varying intensities. Egoism, which is depicted as extreme self interests happens when self value, or a necessitate of feeding ones image is the core motivator (for example, making a vast monetary donation to the state symphony for the role of having the hall being named on a persons behalf) (Bohart Stipek, 2001). Mutual benefits happen when an individual assist another one with an expectation that a person shall in one day do something in return for the favor (for in stance, when an individual cares for a vacationing home for the neighbor). Even individuals whose philanthropy is to a greater extent altruistic, as well as recipient oriented, shall obtain several individual advantage from their prosocial deeds, even though, the benefit might be simple self worth sense. Once an individuals learns where they usually derive their personal benefit (for example elevated self esteem) from taking part in altruistic deeds, the desires of that benefit turns to be a powerful incentive of engaging in the behavior once more.Relationships to the Philanthropic SectorThe Practical consequencesKnowledge of the situation, as well as dispositional factors motivating the humans for engaging in the prosocial behavior is vital for the non-profit professional developing and who are greatly striving in improving the practices of their organization through building the financial and humans resources. According to Latane and Darley (1970) for instance argues that the deci sion making of the helping behavior model might be adjusted in representing how the potential philanthropist determines whether they make a contribution to a specific organization. Foremost, they must have an apprehension that the agency exists. Next, they must believe that the agency requires volunteers or financial aid. Thirdly, they must make a decision on whether they are personally obligated to avail aid. They must know what type of assistance they can avail. Eventually, they decide on how to act on the decision of making a contribution (Ariely, et al., 2009). Basing from the given five state models, a volunteer recruiter or a novice fundraiser develops the vast outline of all inclusive strategy for generating financial and human resources. The agency should first of all publicize itself in making sure that it is identified to the potential supporters. Next, it should avail a complete assertion to the potential philanthropists; demonstrating its necessity for aid, as well as making them fell as still they have a special accountability of helping and providing assistance to the cause. Moreover, the agency ought to inform supporters the gifts that which it accepts and what type of volunteer are services are required. Eventually, it should consists of well publicized procedures put in places for the purpose of collecting the donations, as well as involving the volunteers, so that the philanthropists can know how to act in the contribution decisions.